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14th edition - Agro & Food Tech | 16 - 22 October 2020 on HIVE - CII’s virtual platform

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Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is organising 14th edition of Agro & Food Tech, India’s first international food & agri week from October 16 - 22, 2020 via virtual platform – HIVE. 

Agro & Food Tech will have Country Week, Roundtable of International Agri Ministers, concurrent exhibition shows, B2B & B2G meetings, Thematic International Conferences, Hackathon and Training Sessions.  This event is strategically structured to provide its participants a new and enhanced business opportunity by way of interacting not only with the International, Domestic participants and buyers but also with senior government officials and would provide:

·       Showcasing Platform: Virtual display on the new tools, technology, processes, research in the field of Agriculture & Food sector


·       Interacting Platform: To engage with the Indian federal & state policy makers


·       Partnership Platform: With Indian Government and private sector firms


·       Knowledge Dissemination Platform: To share best practices

The key verticals of this week would be Agriculture, Food Processing, Horticulture, Dairy, Fisheries, Poultry, Sericulture, Floriculture, Agri Finance, Farm Machinery, Implements, Water, Sugar, New Technologies and Start-ups, State & International Pavilion.

CII Agro & Food Tech 2020 will provide tremendous opportunities to strengthen the bilateral agri trade relationship and help drive new engagements in this important sector of the economy.

For further information, may connect with Jasdeep Singh at either +91-9815309727 or jasdeep.singh@cii.in