For the purpose of Customs clearance of arriving passengers, a two channel system has been adopted
- Green Channel for passengers not having any dutiable goods.
- Red Channel for passengers having dutiable goods.
- All the passengers shall ensure to file correct declaration of their baggage.
- Green channel passengers must deposit the customs portion of the disembarkation card to the custom official at the gate before leaving the terminal.
- Declaration of foreign exchange/currency has be made before the custom officers in the following cases :
- where the value of foreign currency notes exceed US $ 5000 or equivalent
- where the aggregate value of foreign exchange including currency exceeds US $ 10,000 or equivalent
Passengers walking through the Green Channel with dutiable / prohibited goods are liable to prosecution/penalty and confiscation of goods.
Trafficking of Narcotics and Psychotropic substances is a serious offence and is punishable with imprisonment.
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