For Any Changes Required

Along with the documents mentioned under Re-issue of Passport category, following documents are required for respective changes:

  • Addition of Spouse name: Marriage certificate, duly attested by the state government along with a photocopy of the spouse's passport. If issued in Sweden/Latvia, the marriage certificate should be duly notarized. It should be translated in English, if it is in Latvian.
  • Deletion of Spouse name:  Court orders of divorce. The divorce decree if issued in Sweden/Latvia should be duly notarized. It should be translated in English, if it is in Latvian.
  • Change in Address: If the address is to be changed from what it is in current passport, the applicant must provide: either an Aadhar card OR two different address proofs with the new address (Voter ID card, driving license, passbook copy of nationalized banks, utility bills etc.) Out of the two proofs provided, one should be a photo ID proof.
  • For change in address for minor applicants, above listed documents for either of the parents are required.
  • For new born applicants the Indian address can be taken from either of the parent’s passport. If it doesn’t match, then the above listed documents can be provided by either of the parents.
  • If the applicant needs Swedish address to be printed in the Passport, it would be taken from Personbevis, as it is.
  • An undertaking (explanation) by the applicant if the passport is still valid but the visa pages have exhausted.

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