
Invitation for competitive tender for providing Cleaning Services at Embassy of India, Kornhamnstorg 4, Stockholm.

March 09, 2020

Invitation for competitive tender for providing Cleaning Services at Embassy of India, Kornhamnstorg 4, Stockholm.

No. Sto/ADM/867/01/2019 

Embassy of India 



06 March 2020


Subject: Invitation for competitive tender for providing Cleaning Services at Embassy of India, Kornhamnstorg 4, Stockholm.

1. Sealed tenders are invited from professional companies / firms with a minimum experience of two years in Cleaning works and having provided such services preferably to Embassies / star hotels / Convention Centres/ Corporate Houses for at least one year during the last two years, for providing these Services at Embassy of India , Stockholm for a period of one year extendable on yearly basis on discretion of Embassy of India upto maximum of three years.

2. The scope of the work, terms and conditions would be as follows:

Ground Floor

  • Vacuum & water mop of the entire public area including entry pathway every day (Approx85 Sq. mts.)
  • Cleaning of two office rooms everyday (water mop - twice a week)
  • Two WC bathrooms – Garbage removal; cleaning of sanitary unit (WC), mop/wash floor, filling up toilet consumable papers and soap, wipe exposed wall section, doors, mirror, wall reinforcement and towel cabinet (5 times per week).

First Floor

  • Cleaning of 08 office rooms everyday (water mop - twice a week)
  • Three WC bathrooms – Garbage removal; cleaning of sanitary unit (WC), mop/wash floor, filling up toilet consumable papers and soap, wipe exposed wall section, doors, mirror, wall reinforcement and towel cabinet (5 times per week).
  • Cleaning of 01 Yoga room once a week.
  • Cleaning, Vacuum and water mop of the general official area/corridor (twice a week) (approximately 06 Sq. mt ).
  • Cleaning of courtyard once a month (approximately 05 Sq. mts.)

Second Floor

  • Cleaning of 05 office rooms everyday (water mop - twice a week)
  • Three WC bathrooms – Garbage removal; cleaning of sanitary unit (WC), mop/wash floor, filling up toilet consumable papers and soap, wipe exposed wall section, doors, mirror, wall reinforcement and towel cabinet (5 times per week).
  • Cleaning of 02 conference rooms once a month.
  • Cleaning, Vacuum and water mop of the general official area/corridor (twice a week) (approximately 06 Sq. mt ).

Third Floor

  • Cleaning of 05 office rooms everyday (water mop - twice a week)
  • Vacuum, cleaning and water mop of main centralroom everyday.
  • Three WC bathrooms – Garbage removal; cleaning of sanitary unit (WC), mop/wash floor, filling up toilet consumable papers and soap, wipe exposed wall section, doors, mirror, wall reinforcement and towel cabinet (5 times per week).
  • Cleaning, Vacuum and water mop of the general official area/corridor (5 times per week) (approximately 06 Sq. mt) and staircase.

General areas

  • Cleaning (everyday); Vacuum and water mop of the official area (twice a week) (approximately 06 Sq. mt) and staircase (twice a week).

3. Interested parties/firms may submit their Tehcnical and Financial bids in seperate sealed envelopes for providing cleaning services.

4. The firm shall be required to furnish an undertaking to strictly abide by good management practices, various labour regulations/laws, if any, in force in Stockholm including payment of minimum wages, social security etc. The winning bidder would be required to dedicate one supervisor / manager who can be contacted for all queries / requirements in connection with the work awarded.

5. The firm would be responsible for its workers in terms of their antecedents and conduct, service performance & behaviour as also the payment of salaries, compensation etc. Embassy of India would not be responsible for any dues other than the agreed contract amount. The workers shall not have any claim for regularization of their services or enhancement of wages with the Embassy of India. Self declarationto these effects from the workers deployed on the Chancery premises by the company will have to be furnished.

6. Contract amount, once agreed to by the firm, shall not be increased during the period of the contract.

7. Bidders would be required to furnish the information and submit documents, as per the attached proforma and would quote prices strictly on monthly basis only. Price quoted should be on an all-inclusive basis and shall include the cost of all services, personnel, material, transportation, rentals, VAT etc. Technical information should be in separate envelop.

8. Prices quoted in the financial bids of the tender should remain valid for acceptance for 90 days from date of closing of tender, without any price escalation for whatever reason.

9. The bidding firm will have to submit 'Financial Bid' in a sealed cover. Financial bids of only those bidders who met the technical criterion in Para 1 above would be opened to award the contract. Financial bids of bidder [s] who do not meet the technical criterion will not be opened.

10. A Bid shall be treated as successful only after the competent authority in the Embassy of India has approved it in accordance with the terms of the Tender Notice. Embassy of India shall send the notice of acceptance of the successful lowest Bidder. Subsequent to the notice, a contract shall be signed between the Embassy of India and the successful lowest Bidder.

11. The Embassy of India reserves the right to revoke the contract at any time if the services rendered are not found satisfactory during the period of contract.

12. The Embassy of India shall have the right to impose such penalty as it deems fit on the firm if the services are found unsatisfactory or partial / defective services are rendered. The maximum penalty will be restricted to one month's charges. Continuous default in providing services will also lead, besides termination of contract, to automatic disqualification for tendering or quoting in future for any service for the Embassy. Clauses of this effect would be included in the agreement to be signed.

13. The Embassy of India shall also have the right to impose such penalty as it deems fit on the firm if the Mission is put to any financial loss directly or indirectly by any act of omission or commission on the part of the firm or the person (s) deployed by it on the premises of the chancery or withholding payment till the rectification of the omission. Embassy of India reserves the right to restore/cancel the tender without assigning any reason thereof.

14. The payment for the cleaning services received would be done on a monthly basis and after the successful completion of the month. If the Embassy of India deems that the services rendered by the company are not satisfactory, the Embassy has a right to termination the contract with a notice of one month, and automatic disqualification for tendering or quoting in future for any service for the Embassy of India. On successful completion of one year, the contract may be extended on yearly basis upto maximum of three years if the Embassy of India is satisfied with the services provided by the company.

1. DATE OF ISSUE OF TENDER: Friday 06 March 2020.

2. LAST DATE FOR BID SUBMISSION: 1700 HRS, Friday 20thMarch 2020.

3. DATE OF OEPNING FINANCIAL BIDS: 1500 HRS, Monday 23rdMarch 2020.

4. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The Tender Evaluation Committee [TEC] will evaluate the Technical information individually using the following criteria:

(a) The Organization's relevant experience for the Assignment.
(b) Quality of work plan and methodology for undertaking the job.
(c) Qualifications and experience of the staff proposed.
(d) Past track record.

16. Experienced & registered firms are invited to submit bids in sealed covers to the office of the undersigned by 1700 HRS, Friday20th March 2020. Technical Bids will be opened at 1500 hrs on Friday 23rdMarch 2020 in Reception Hall, Embassy of India, Stockholm.

17. Bid may be submitted physically or by courier / post to:

Head of chancery
Embassy of India
Kornhamnstorg 4,
Stockholm 111 27, Sweden

For site visit, please contact the undersigned during office hours.

(Anuradha Negi)
Second Secretary & Head of Chancery
Tel. No. 0046-8-107008


1. Name of the firm:
2. Address of the Registered Office:
3. Correspondence address:
4. Contact details:




Remarks, if any


a. Brief introduction of the company

b. Previous experience in the field (minimum of two years)

c. Total number of regular employees with the firm

d. Turnover of the firm for the last two years

e. Registration Certificate & license for the services


Detailed work plan and methodology for undertaking the job


Qualification and experience of the staff [including cleaning staff] proposed to be deployed for the job


a. Copies of Current contracts of Cleaning services being undertaken by the firm

b. Copies of past contracts of Cleaning services undertaken by the firm

c. Testimonials [Clients' letters / certificates etc.]


1. Name of the firm:
2. Address of the Registered Office:
3. Correspondence address:
4. Contact details:



Charges (in SEK per month including VAT)

Remarks, if any


Monthly charges for cleaning services

Note : Prices should be quoted strictly on monthly basis only. Price quoted should be on an all-inclusive basis and shall include the cost of all services, personnel, material, transportation, rentals taxes, VAT etc.

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