
Invitation for the tender for painting and minor repairs of the interior of the building at the address Branta Backen 2, Danderyd, Stockholm

June 27, 2018

Invitation for the tender for painting and minor repairs of the interior of the building at the address Branta Backen 2, Danderyd, Stockholm


Embassy of India



 Invitation for the tender for painting and minor repairs of the interior of the building at the address Branta Backen 2, Danderyd, Stockholm.


S. No.



Chapter I : Tender Details and General Instructions


Chapter II : Scope of Work (in English & Swedish language)


Chapter III : Technical Bid Proforma


Chapter IV : Financial Bid Proforma

Chapter I - Instructions to Bidders

 1.         Bids from experienced & registered firms, complete in all respects should be submitted in sealed envelopes addressed to the Head of Chancery, Embassy of India, Stockholm in person, or by mail or courier to reach before the deadline of 1630 hrs. on Friday, 29th of June 2018.  Two Separate sealed envelopes containing Technical Bid and Financial Bid proposals inside another envelope marked “Tender for painting & minor repairs of the interior of the building” should be sent. All tenders received after the deadline will be summarily rejected.

 2.         All bidders should submit along with the Tender the following documents:

i.          The bid in the prescribed Technical Bid Document and Financial Bid Document (proformas attached in chapter III and IV).

ii.         Both the above documents must be signed by authorized signatories of the bidding firm with a seal / stamp.

iii.         Self-attested photo-copy of registration of the company / firm / proprietorship with the concerned Swedish authorities.

iv.        Self attested copy of the Annual Report (where statutorily required to be filed) and self attested copy of  the Financial Reports for the last 2 years.

v.         Details of experience in the field.

3.         Technical Conditions for Pre-qualification of bidders shall be as under:

            a. One work of SEK 50000 value of similar work as specified above completed within last 3 years


           b. Two similar works costing not less than SEK 20000 value of similar work as specified above completed within last 3 years.

            Bidders not meeting any of the above requirements will be disqualified.

4.         The bidder should be a company or firm or sole proprietorship duly registered with the concerned authorities in Sweden. Bidder must be a firm with a past record of dealing with painting and minor repairs. Embassy of India reserves the right to reject bids from firms who are blacklisted by the Government of Sweden or India for poor performance in the past, or those who do not have adequate experience in the field as mentioned above at Sl. No. 3

5.         The bids will remain valid for 45 days from the date of closing of the tender for award of contract after obtaining approval of competent Indian authorities. No price escalation would be allowed during this period of 45 days.

 6.         The work should be completed within 6 weeks after award of the contract.

 7.         All the items / works should be of good quality. All the works should have a warranty / guarantee of repairs for three years and any defects observed during the warranty / guarantee period should be rectified by the contractor at its own cost. It may be noted that due weightage will be given to the duration of warranty / guarantee offered by the contractor in assessment of tenders.

 8.         No request for advance payment will be entertained.

 9.       Embassy will retain 10% of the contract value as the security deposit which may be released after 6 months from the date of completion of work and during this period, defects if any, shall be made good by the contractor.

 10.       The liquidated damages for delay in execution of work which would be attributable to the contractor shall be recovered @ 1% per day subject to maximum 10% of the contract value.

 11.       Payment would be released within 30 days once the painting and minor repairs are found satisfactory after physical verification.

 12.       The Embassy reserves the right to reject all or any bids without assigning any reasons. Bidders should have technical capability / competence for renovation work as per prescribed standard / quality. The bidders will be given, if requested for, an opportunity with prior appointment to meet the Embassy Representatives, if there are any clarifications or concerns on bid process.

 13.       Prospective bidders can visit the building to assess the scope of work with prior appointment on any working day (Monday-Friday) during 10 AM to 4 PM.

14.       The successful bidder must sign a contract with the Embassy of India in an appropriate form, prepared by latter, for execution of the contact.

 15.       First the Technical documents will be opened, and the pre-qualification of the bidder will be assessed and then financial documents of only those bidder [s] who meet the technical criterion will be opened.

 16.       The winning bidder would be responsible for its workers in terms of their antecedents and conduct, service performance & behaviour as also the payment of salaries, compensation etc. Embassy of India would not be responsible for any dues other than the agreed, all inclusive, contract amount. The workers shall not have any claim for regularization of their services or enhancement of wages with the Embassy of India.

 17.       The winning bidder would be required to dedicate one supervisor / manager who can be contacted for all queries / requirements in connection with the work awarded.


       (i)        DATE OF ISSUE OF TENDER: Friday, 01 JUNE 2018.

       (ii)       LAST DATE FOR BID SUBMISSION : 09.07.2018 to 20.07.2018


    (iv)     EVALUATION CRITERIA: The Tender Evaluation Committee [TEC] will evaluate the Technical information individually using the following criteria:

   (a)       The Organization's relevant experience for the Assignment.

   (b)       Quality of work plan and methodology for undertaking the job.

   (c)       Qualifications and experience of the staff proposed.

   (d)       Past track record.

 20.       Bids may be submitted physically or by courier / post to:

Head of Chancery, Embassy of India

Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 12,

Box 1340, 111 83 Stockholm

 21.       For clarifications / queries, if any, prior to submission of bid, prospective bidders may contact the undersigned, on Phone 02-963 5675 during office hours from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on working days.

 (Kamal Parvez)

Head of Chancery

E-mail: hoc[dot]stockholm[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in

Chapter II  - Scope of work

(For English & Swedish version)




  1. Taking a creaking roof

  2. Demolition of raw spontaneously

  3. Check if the roof rails are changed

  4. Treatment of moisture

  5. Insulation check possible replacement of insulation

  6. Mounting of raw spontaneously

  7. Mounting the shelters

  8. As well as new substrate cardboard

  9. Placing a new plate roof (recommended due to old house)


  1. Tivning av gakla tak

  2. Rivning av rå sponten

  3. Kontrollera eventuellt byte av takstolarna

  4. Behandling av fukt

  5. Isolering kontroll eventuellt byte av isolering

  6. Montering av rå sponten

  7. Montering av läkterna

  8. Samt ny underlags papp

  9. Läggning av nytt plåttak (rekommenderas på grund av gammalt hus)

Around the house

  1. Dig down to the bottom plate

  2. Treat all the puts

  3. By leveling off the plaster

  4. Insulation and drainage on two sides of the house

  5. Filled with single and ground

Runt Huset

  1. Grävas ner till bottenplatta

  2. Behandlas allt puts

  3. By avjämning av puts

  4. Isolering och dränering I två sidor av huset

  5. äterfyllas med singel och jordmassa


  1. Tap all the puts

  2. Special treats all walls

  3. Replace all walls

  4. Bilas up garage drainage

  5. Replace all sewer pipes and drainage


  1. Knackas bort allt puts

  2. Special behandlas alla väggar

  3. åter putsas alla väggar

  4. Bilas upp garage avlopp

  5. Bytas hela avlopps rör och själva avlopp


  1. Tear up the entire bathroom floor and walls

  2. Bilas up the drain

  3. Replace the drain pipe and drain

  4. Eating is laid out with tiled floor tiles and tiles


  1. Riva upp hela badrum golv och väggar

  2. Bilas upp avloppet

  3. Bytas avlopps rör och avlopp

  4. äter läggas golv med klinker och väggar med kakel




  1. Room roof must be torn away

  2. Wiped with heat pump

  3. Scrape away mold and debris

  4. Treat cakes with treating agents

  5. Stack and paint the entire ceiling


  1. Rum taket måste rivas bort

  2. Avtorkas med värmepump

  3. Skrapas bort mögel och skräp

  4. Behandlas tak med behandlings medel

  5. Spacklas och målas hela taket


1.  Name of the firm:

2.  Address of the Registered Office:

3.  Correspondence address:

4.  Contact details:







Remarks, if any


a. Brief introduction of the company


b. Previous experience   in the field    (minimum of two years)



c. Total  number  of  regular employees with the firm



d. Turnover of the firm for the last two years



e. Registration Certificate & license for the services




Detailed work plan and methodology for undertaking the job




Qualification and experience of the staff proposed to be deployed for the job




a. Details of Current   contracts    of painting being undertaken  by  the firm



b. Details of past contracts    of painting undertaken  by  the firm



c. Testimonials [Clients' letters / certificates etc.]




1.  Name of the firm:

2.  Address of the Registered Office:

3.  Correspondence address:

4.  Contact details:




Sl. No.


Charges (including VAT)

Remarks, if any


Painting and minor repairs of the interior of the building (according to scope of work)


Note : Price quoted should be on an all-inclusive basis and shallinclude the cost of all services, personnel, material, transportation, rentals taxes, consumables, labour, VAT social security, insurance of the worker etc.


“ Extension of date of submission of the tender: The date has been extended by 12 days from today i.e. 09.07.2018 to 20.07.2018 ”.
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