
Inviting quotations for the procurement of Roller Brg. & Ball Brg. against tender Enquiry no. E1533065 due date 16-09-2023-reg

September 11, 2023

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) , a Govt. of India undertaking, invites Quotations in two part bid from eligible Manufacturer/bidder(s) for the procurement of item :  Roller Bearings & Ball Bearings for its customers.

For this, an enquiry no.  E1533065  dt. 24/08/2023 (NIC Tender Id: 2023_BHEL_28041_1) due dated: 16-09-2023  has been issued in two part bid. Manufacturer(s) / Bidder(s) are requested to read all the tender documents carefully , signed & stamped and submit quotations accordingly within due date & time  as specified in tender enquiry. 

Tender documents are enclosed for ready reference.

The quotations can be submitted before above due date through BHEL e-procurement website https://eprocurebhel.co.in/nicgep/app. till 3.00 PM (indian time) before due date 16-09-2023.

We request for wide publicity pertaining to this tender in the respective country for achieving competitive bidding.

In case of any tender related queries, kindly contact undersigned. 

Thanking you.

For and on behalf of


 Ajay Kumar
Engineer MEX
Phone- 07552505052

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